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【 旅行是一種生命分配的藝術】泰自遊-包車自由行深信~旅行本就該是件‘’賞心悅目、皆大歡喜‘’的事

我們深信~旅行本就該是件‘’賞心悅目、皆大歡喜‘’的事, 並非所有經歷都是平等的。『泰自遊-包車自由行&泰康旅運事務所』致力於:將像您這樣-忠於自我、崇尚自由、特立獨行、離散冒險、不走尋常路的...彼此連接起來,擁有泰國神奇且值得信賴的旅行體驗(有些秘境曾經只“保留”給當地知情人士。)我們的目的是創造一些時刻,將自己融入記憶的結構中,如您所願發現一些-關於探訪所在地的點點滴滴,真正屬於您自己的原創和獨特的旅行印跡。

We are convinced that travel should be a ‘‘pleasant and joyful’’ thing, not all experiences are equal. "Taiziyou-Chartered Free Travel & Taikang Travel Agency" is committed to: connecting you like you-loyal to yourself, advocating freedom, maverick, discrete adventures, uncommon roads...connecting each other, owning Thailand’s magical and trustworthy travel experience (some secret areas used to be "reserved" only to local insiders.) Our goal is to create moments that integrate ourselves into the structure of memory, and discover some as you wish-about visiting places Bit by bit, your own original and unique travel imprint.

『泰自遊-包車自由行&泰康旅運事務所』每位創始合作伙伴~都是常駐泰國主要城市並熱愛旅行的人士。他們大部分已經或曾是旅遊相關服務專業的佼佼者,通過在泰國各地城市長期的生活和旅行中獲得的經驗,在當地多元化的現實環境尋找靈感與創新思維 ,從而體現了我們的企業服務理念~【 旅行是一種生命分配的藝術】。

Every founding partner of "Tai Ziyou-Chartered Free Tour & Taikang Travel Agency" is a person who is resident in major cities in Thailand and loves to travel. Most of them are or have been leaders in tourism-related services, and through the long-term experience of living and traveling in cities across Thailand, they find inspiration and innovative thinking in the diverse local environment of the local area, thus reflecting our corporate services Idea ~ [Travel is an art of life distribution].

E-MAIL: TEL: +66-0924524711

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